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(gerald andrews)

Write your abstract here.Cricket is a crazy game love by one and all by indian.
people of the ages between 2 to 60 years love to watch cricket matches.
They simple worship they idol players and crave to be like them.India is the most craziest nation over cricket.They sympathise with you when you are not playing well.
The employees in workplace keep track of every over which is played.And they follow cricket very clearly.Even in the homes of indian families,ladies finish their cooking and sit in front of the T.V to see their wonderful sport.Even in the stadium they stand in long queue to get the ticket to watch the cricket match.And they come in large numbers.
when india wins they feel they have won something in life and they celebrate and enjoy by placing mikes in the open and hear film songs and make good food.
so india is a passion filled nation for cricket

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