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Kingdom Of The Golden Dragon
(Isabel Allende)

The young Alexander Cold is willing to go
with is Grandmother Kate to one more trip for the magazine International
Geographic, this time the destiny is the mysterious Kingdom of the Golden
Dragon near the Himalayas. Besides Kate and Alexander, joined to the expedition Timothy Bruce
and Joel Gonzalez, the last one fully recovered from the hug of an anaconda
occurred months earlier in the amazonic jungle during another
expedition of the
group, and the young Nadia Santos with their inseparable little monkey
After the adventures occurred in the Amazonic jungle, the two young
kept in
regular touch by mail between the United States and the Brazilian
Amazonic jungle. It was with great joy and enthusiasms that they saw
each other again, even more to go to a country were
few people had the privilege of knowing.

Since the Kingdom of the Golden Dragon
doesn?t possess a commercial airport, the group goes to New Deli were they stay
for a few days, it?s in this city that they know Judit Kinski, a landscape
architect invited by the King to know his country in order to create parks for
the people, this charming lady explained to the group that it is only possible
to enter the Kingdom with a special invitation from the King.

Its also in New Deli that the two young
people, Alexander and Nadia, or Jaguar and Eagle, as they prefer being called,
surprise a secret meeting from the American hippie tex Armadillo to some
mysterious men dressed in black, were the chief of the group teaches the
American a course in a map, all this seems to suspicious to the young people
that decide to keep an eye in the hippie for the rest of the trip, but that
will not be necessary because they didn?t saw the American again.

When they finally arrive to the Kingdom
of the Golden Dragon all became marvelled with the beauty of the landscape and
the kindness of the people, even thoug their way of speaking kills Kate?s
nerves. The group is invited to go to the palace, were they meet the King, and
were once again, Kate shows her lack of manners when she asks the king about
the Golden Dragon statue.

Nature in
the Kingdom of the Golden Dragon is well preserved, its possible to find
several animals that doesn?t exist in any other place in the world, its because
of being busy photographing some of those animals that the photographs don?t
know the terrible event that has affected the country. A group of nomads, the
Scorpion Sect kidnapped several young women during a party, however they don?t
know that Nadia is one of dos women and that Jaguar will do all to find its

Its thanks to her faithful friend Boroba, and
her capacity of becomes invisible, that Nadia escapes from the blue men, but
she gets seriously injured, it?s then when Nadia takes the shape of their
totemic animal, the white eagle. Tank?s to this transformation the lama Tensing
and the young Dil Bahadur find the young woman and heal her thanks to their
knowledge and the mind power of the lama. Also Jaguar finds its friend, whom,
after being recovered from her injuries tells them what happened. It?s then
when the four of them decide to do all to save the kidnapped young women, but
Jaguar thinks that the kidnap is only a diversion to attract the attention from
the palace guards, but what is the objective?

Resumos Relacionados

- O Reino Do Dragão De Ouro

- Forest Of The Pygmies

- City Of The Beasts

- Pygmy Forest

- El Reino Del Dragón De Oro

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