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The Old Man And The Sea
(Ernest Hemingway)

I had to talk to you here about Ernest Hemingway's novel, about the story of this elderly man and his condition, about the beach that carries fishers and fish, about the literary treasure which The Old man and the Sea is. It has already been analyzed many times throughout the history of Literature, this children's story turns out to be nevertheless of unmatched accuracy for adult people who are in need of simplicity and dream. It is the story of an old man, a fisher at Cuba Bay and a fan of base-ball, and that of a young boy fond of fishing and the old man. Their relationship is simple and wrapped in a remarkable humanness. When the young boy does not bring dinner to the old man, it is the old man who wakes the boy to go fishing. Both talk about base-ball and fishing, and sometimes women, when they have time to do so. One asks, the other answers. Then, one day, the old man goes fishing, alone, respecting the boy's parents not allowing him to go fish with the old man. It is early morning, the sun has not risen yet at this part of the world, and the story of this old fisher from Cuba is about to take a new turn...Once one knows Hemingway's old man, one can not help thinking of him, pages flow without being aware of it, one lets him self get rocked by the appeasing flow in which Hemingway plunges us. If there is one thing that we can advise to readers of all countries and nationalities, is indeed to read The Old Man and the Sea, it yields a lesson on courage and humanness, dictated by the hand of its author, Ernest Hemingway.

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- The Old Man And The Sea, 1952

- The Old Man And The Sea, 1952

- Old Man And The Sea

- The Old Man And The Sea

- The Old Man And The Sea

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