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The Love Trainer
(Julia Llewellyn)

Katie and Rebecca (a literary agent) first meet when Katie is in need of a job, and is recommended to Rebecca by a friend of a friend. Katie thinks that the job is as Rebecca?s glamorous second assistant, when she is taken back to her beautifully expensive flat in Notting Hill Gate, which is a pigsty, that Katie is expected to clean.
Rebecca?s writer boyfriend, Tim, is a twat, who doesn?t respect her; he cancels dates at the last minute, never calls when he?s supposed to, switches off his phone when he knows she?s pissed off with him, and is once caught flirting with another woman. However, Rebecca is clingy and desperate, she?s pushing fifty and hugely insecure. In her mind, she is an unattractive woman, and getting past it, so she?s grateful for any scraps of affection Tim throws her way.
Katy also has a boyfriend, Crispin, who is sweet, kind, and loves her, and after her unpredictable, unfaithful ex-boyfriend, Paul, she feels safe with Crispin. To friends, they are the perfect couple.
Katy is a terrible cleaner, but great at giving relationship advice, so begins to work on Rebecca. She gives her valuable advice on how to train Tim to become a good boyfriend, like she would train a dog. For a while, the relationship goes well for Rebecca, until Tim lets her down again, at which point they plot to get rid of him.
Rebecca is a happy ?client?, and comes up with an idea to launch Katie as ?The Love Trainer?, so she fires Katie as her cleaner and hires Ronan, Katie?s out-of-work actor flatmate, who is well domesticated.
Katie?s first official client, is Rebecca?s friend Jenny, she has a devoted live-in boyfriend called Gordy, he proposes to her on Radio 2. But Jenny is unsure, deep down she is would prefer someone richer, and there is a Frenchman interest, so she agrees to see the love trainer.
After observing Jenny and Gordy together, Katie advises Jenny to leave Gordy, because she isn?t happy with him and is not treating him like he deserves. Before Jenny leaves him, she books a trip to see her Frenchman in France for a weekend. But gets home to a surprise trip to Berlin with Gordy, on which she realises how much she loves him. But Gordy finds the ticket and leaves her.
She tries to get Gordy back, but he isn?t answering or returning her calls, so she goes to the house they shared, only to find him in the arms of another woman, she blames Katie. But they do get back together, after Gordy decides to take her back.
Katie?s career as ?The Love Trainer? is launched by an article, attacking her, but her Crispin doesn?t know, and is furious when he finds out. They talk about it, and she realises that she doesn?t love him and is only with him because he?s safe, so she breaks it off.
Kaitie?s ex comes back into her life and they go out for drinks and end up sleeping together. But in the morning she finds out that he lied to her, has a fiancé, and only slept with her to get an inside scoop on ?The Love Trainer?. She?s furious and hurt, once again remembering why she broke up with him in the first place.
Katie gives advice to Rebecca?s other friend Ally, who has a moody, clingy, rude boyfriend that everyone dislikes. Ally knows that Jon isn?t right for her, but she?s with him because she wants a baby, and knows Jon will make a good father because he already has two daughters with his ex-wife, who left him. Ally puts Katie?s advice into practice and Jon changes a little bit.
Ronan is away on a lad?s holiday, while Rebecca is away on business. Katie has dinner with Rebecca?s business partner, Ben, and comes to the conclusion that they are an item, and she?s hurt that Rebecca didn?t tell her, and she likes Ben.
Rebecca?s other friend Suzy, who preferred being mistress to wife, is happy with live-in boyfriend, Hunter, who is secretly seeing ?The Love Trainer?.
Christmas comes and goes and Katie still feels guilty about Crispin, who has moved on and found another girlfriend, she is happy for him.
Rebecca has a dinner party to make announcements; she?s pregnant and moving to a four bedroom house with Ronan, who will be a house husband. Katie is very happy for them, and Ben is single. Hunter proposes to Suzy, who tells him she?ll think about it, and Jon is a party-pooper as usual, Ally is seriously having doubts and considering whether she wants him in her life and longer.
At the end of the evening, Ben and Katie leave the party together and walk through the park, where they share a passionate kisses, and Katie him of her trips to Brazil and Costa Rica. She has spent it in limbo; either in odd relationships, with a man who didn?t love her or one she didn?t love, and needs time to herself. Ben encourages her to go for it, and promises to wait for her until she returns. If she wants to go away again, he hints that he might go with her. They sit, talking in the park, until the morning when dawn rises.
The End.

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