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The Time Traveler's Wife
(Audrey Niffenegger)

Want to read a romantic novel with substance? Something that doesn't begin: "I saw his blue eyes across the street and and two minutes later we were having passionate sex"? Well, congratulations romantic-souls, you don't have to read sugar coated pickles anymore. With The Time Traveler's Wife, we get an intelligent person's soap opera, a tangible and poignant love story with real people, gripping action, and a heart-string tearing love story.
The novels tells of two soul mates, Henry and Claire. Claire is an artist with fiery red hair, and Henry--well--he has a gene that makes him drop into various points of the past (and occasionally the future.) The story develops from both points of views and the reader experiences various events in the character's lives (not in any particular order.) Although the beginning of the book may leave you baffled, keep reading. By the time you get to page thirty or so, you will be gleefully following this fantastical time travelling love-story. Your ribs will ache from laughter (When Henry time travels, he loses everything--including clothing), your pages will be soaked with tears, and your mind will spin with some intriguing ideas. Niffenegger handles her time-travelling concept deftly and with so much ease, it is easy to forget that people don't actually dip in and out of time.

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- The Time Traveler''s Wife

- The Time Traveller's Wife

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


