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Set In Stone
(Robert Goddard)

Tony Sheridan is slowly recovering from
the tragic death of his wife Marina in a cliff fall. Bewildered and with no idea where his life is going to go from
here, he is invited to stay with his wife?s sister Lucy and her husband Matt
Prior at their unusual house in Rutland.

Otherways is a circular moated stone construction
built by a reclusive Edwardian architect Emile Posnan. You are made to feel it is only
the location which attracts Tony in the first place as he appears to have only
the most distant relationship with his sister-in-law.

Tony admires house, but finds himself having strange
dreams while staying in the house, possibly exacerbated by this increasing attraction to the very attentive Lucy and is feeling
guilty at the way she is affecting him.

The house has a bizarre history of
suicide, death and strange happenings.
Tony begins to feel even more uneasy when he learns that a murder was
committed there in 1939 and the victim?s brother, a nuclear scientist
apparently defected to the Soviet Union.

Tony and Lucy embark on a passionate
affair and the mysteries of Otherways act as a prophesy of doom on Tony. However when it comes, the disaster is far
worse than a damaged marriage or a betrayed friendship. The truth about Otherways and its
inhabitants is slowly reveals and Tony realizes he is the latest of its
victims. That he may not be the last.

Robert Goddard has a unique way of
bringing events and characters into a situation which apparently have no
obvious connection. A he weaves the
story the sinister sub plot comes through and when you reach the final
conclusion you are left wondering why you didn?t link it all together in the
first place, for with the final key, everything falls into place.

His stories are wonderfully intricate
and with so many twists and turns you are left breathless and unable to believe
anything else startling can happen, yet it does. A superb storyteller and unusually all his characters are the
most unlikely people to be caught up in the situations he puts them in. He is never predictable, his locations,
characters and plots are all different and equally intriguing.

Resumos Relacionados

- Na Rota Do Perigo

- Sight Unseen

- The Battle Is The Lords

- Twisted House

- Mirrors

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