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How Do Additives Affect Our Health?

The chemical compounds added to our food have been linked to a range of conditions from asthma to cancer.

Brain: Studies have shown that
between 30 and 50 per cent of hyperactive children exibit a dramatic
improvement in their behaviour and condition if foods containing
additives in particular colourings, are eliminated from their diet.

Head: There are many cases of
people working in the factories that manufacture additives
suffering from chronic headaches, believed to be brought on by extended
exposure to these chemicals.

Skin: Urticaria is an allergic
skin rash also known as nettle rash or hives, that can last between
several hours and six weeks. It can be caused by an allergic reaction
to some food additives, for example tartazine.

Organs: A number of animal
studies have suggested links between cartain food additives and various
types of cancer, these include sodium nitrite ( E-250), propyl gallate
( E-310) and acesulfame-k( E-950)

Nasal passages: Rhinitis is an
inflammation of the nasal passages brought on by an allergen that
causes sneezing , congestion, and itching of the eyes, nose, throat and
ears. It can be triggered in some people by exposure to certain food
additives such as tartrazine.

Respiratory system: some food
can exacerbate asthma symptoms. Those most widely acknowledged to
affect asthmatics are the sulphites, a group of preservatives
(E220-228) used in food such as dried fruits and soft drinks.

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- Junk Food

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