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Love In The Time Of Cholera
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

I re-read Gabriel Garcia Marquez' "Love in the Time of Cholera" after having thought about it for years; as one obsesses about an old love left along the road of life, as the character Florentino Ariza recalls and cannot let go of the love he feels for Fermina Daza, the love of his youth. With trepidation I began to read, fearful that the memory of the book was better than the real thing, the same as with a discarded affair that has managed to keep the embers glowing through nostalgia. And I realized then, that some loves are based on the true intrinsic beauty of the thing in itself; some loves are real and last through time even though life goes forward.

And so, I fell in love again with Garcia Marquez' succulent metaphors, with the tasty language and the dense, humid prose. His characters relived their turmoil, and though I knew how it ended, every word, once again, guided me down the turbulent ride through their lives. I laughed out loud at their all-too-human weaknesses, seeing myself reflected in Juvenal Urbino and Fermina Daza's marital skirmish over the lack of soap in the bathroom and Dr. Urbino's silent morning noises intended to nudge his already wakened wife, who pretended being asleep, into a conversation. I still squirmed as Florentino Ariza kissed Fermina Daza for the first time realizing that they both held the odor of decay and imminent death.

And so I realized, that there are some loves in life that one remembers for a reason. Some loves which deserve going back to so as to rediscover why you loved to begin with.

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- Love In The Time Of Cholera

- Love In The Time Of Cholera

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