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Profession: Mother? Elevate The Self-esteem Of Every Mother. (profesión: Mamá...eleva La Autoestima


Some day I went to withdraw my driver license and the officer, I asked me what was my occupation. I did not know how to label my work as a ?mother? and what to answer. When the officer noticed my indecision she said to me:

¾ What I mean is: Do you work or are simply a ?. ?
¾ Of course I've got a work, I answered her, I am a mother.
¾ We don't write mother as an option here, lets write it down as ?Housewife?. - was the emphatic statement of the officer -.

I had completely forgotten this story until it happen again to me exactly the same, but this time it occured in the office of the state highway. The employee was obviously an expert woman, efficient, of much position and had a very stunning sign that said:

?Official Interrogator?.

¾ Occupation? - she asked me -.
¾ (What made me to answer this? , I don't know, but the words simply scrambled out of my mouth:) I am an ?Associate Researcher in the Field of Infantile Development and Human Relationships?.
¾ The employee's hand stopped its motion, the ball-point pen got freezed in the air and she looked surprised at me as if she had not listened well. I repeated my ?title? slowly, putting emphasis in the most important words. Soon, I was astonished to see how my eccentric announcement stamped in black ink in the official questionnaire.
¾ May I ask you - said the civil employee with an increasing interest - what is exactly what you do in this field of investigation?
¾ With a very calmed and slowed voice I listened myself answering: I have a continuous research programme ( like every mother ) in the laboratory and in the field (I would normally referred to the former words as inside and outside).
¾ I am working for my master's degree (the whole family) and I already have four credits (all my daughters). By all means my work is a highly demanded one in the field of humanities (Any mother disagree with me?) and I usually work for 14 hours daily (In fact they are much more, about 24). But this work has many more challenges than any simple work and? the remunerations rather than economic are bound to the area of personal satisfaction.
¾ I could felt an increasing note of respect in the voice of the civil employee while she completed the form. Once finished the process, she got up from her chair and personally accompanied me to the door.
¾ When arriving at home, excited about my new professional career, three of my laboratory associates came out to receive me, ranging 13, 7 and 3 years old.
¾ Upstairs I could listened to our new experimental model in the programme of infantile development (6 months of age), proving a new program of vocalization pattern. I felt triumphant! I'd won over bureaucracy! It had entered into the official registries as a more distinguished and indispensable person for the humanity than just ?another mother?.
¾ Maternity?, what a glorious career, specially, when it's got a title at the door.

Send this to other mothers that you know, either if she remains at home or if she have a profession. All mothers should be assigned this title.

Different images of a mother for their children according to their age:

¾ 4 YEARS OLD? My mother can make any thing!
¾ 8 YEARS OLD? My mother knows a lot!
¾ 12 YEARS OLD? My mother does not know everything, but...!
¾ 14 YEARS OLD? Naturally, my mother does not know that either!
¾ 16 YEARS OLD? My mother?, is so old fashioned.
¾ 18 YEARS OLD? Ma? She is totally outside time.
¾ 25 YEARS OLD? Well, she might know something on the matter.
¾ 35 YEARS OLD? Before deciding, why don't we ask mum ?
¾ 45 YEARS OLD? I ask myself: What would have thought my mother about this?
¾ 65 YEARS OLD? I wish I could talk to mum about this.
Please, send this to all exceptional mothers you know and to some men as well. Lets avoid to forget that we all have a mother.

If you do it, you ance the self-esteem of many mothers.

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