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The Apocalypse
(Chouibkhi samir)

The apocalypse Writes by Samir Chouibkhi in 2005 Chapter 1: IT START! In 2500, the war started; the human ones and the X-Module (robot creates by the human ones) against the machines (robot which was creates to destroy the human ones). Hundreds of people died but nobody knew who to go to gain. Jerome Vitré was the chief of human and of the X-Modules, it was to some extent the elected official. He was immortal and very powerful but if somebody killed it he would have died. He had just a longe life. The chief of the machines named Jony, it A was built by Zéta (very powerful virus). In 2502, Jerome captured in Egypt a machine and transformed the machine into X-Module. Jerome invented a door which could took along people in the past and it sent the X-Module in 2005. Zéta found this door thanks to coordinated and sent Jony. In 2005, Jerome was 17 years old and it was still with the college. December 18: Jerome left the college to enter at his place. Jerome did not know anything the future and anything of what it was going to arrive to him. While returning at his place, his/her mother-in-law says to him: - Finally here you is, I awaited you, a man invites me to dined at his place this evening then you goes remained to the house and to wait until I arrive known as his mother-in-law. - Bah yes, I am obliged to remain then, known as Jerome. His/her mother-in-law taken her bag and left. Jerome remained alone in the house. While Jerome made these duties, it occurred a drama to the discharge. Wind started to blow around the discharge, cars flew away. Thunder and flashes appeared in the sky. Then of a blow the X-Module appeared, it was equipped in gray black and pants. - My first name is Zameur, Fiver is my name, I must find Jerome Vitré and as fast as possible to destroy Zéta says it. Zamor went on the road and saw a car parked with 100 meters of him. This car was parked in a carpark but there was no other of it. Zamor got into the car by putting the door. And its finger was transformed into key, it started the car and a message appeared, it smoothed its message: - Address of Glazed Jerome: 3 street of Cal Bridge, says it. Five minutes after, the same thing that presently started again, except that it was Jony which was appeared. Jony had a rifle in the place of its hand, its pants was maroon. A guard left a phone box and known as: - And you, you do not have the right to be there known as keeps it. Jony advanced towards the man and Jony drew in full head on the man: - Y has that me which can spoken known as Jony. Jony ran on the road and followed Zameur thanks to the odor. Jony was not to approach more than 2 kilometer Zameur. Because Zameur could see it. When in Jerome, it was lighting television when somebody knocked on the door. It rose and went to open: - Hello, I am sent by the pizzeria! You tasted with the new pizza pie, said a woman. Jerome closed the door and went to sit down in front of television. 15 minutes after somebody struck again with the door. Jerome, irritated, turned over to open the door. - Summers you Glazed Jerome, asked Zameur. - Yes, why? - Come with me. - Not, retorted Jerome, I must remained at home. Zamor struck it and sent to sleep again Jerome hang himself a certain moment. Zamor took Jerome by the shoulder and put it in the trunk of its car. Another car arrived at any speed and Zameur took its rifle and drew on the tires. Jony, the standard of the car, after a fashion stopped its vehicle with russet-red burst. Then it left with a bazooka: - Goodbye Zameur, expressed Jony. It aimed Zameur and drew. Zamor, in spite of his force and its speed custom not enough of time for escaped. It was touched and flew in the house. Who then, took fire and exploded. Jerome awoke and left his vehicle. - Which are you? asked Jerome. - That which will return you in hell, affirmed Jony. While having its bazooka directed against Jerome. TO FOLLOW

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