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A Confederacy Of Dunces
(John Kennedy Toole)

Once you meet Ignatius J. Reilly, you are likely to never forget him. He is a 30-year-old man, grossly overweight, lives in his mothers? house, and believes he is destined to lead a revolution. The world greatly offends him, and his purpose in life is to express his displeasure. Ignatius likes to write, he has filled hundreds of notebooks with his various thoughts. Surely one day, people will discover his writings, realize their brilliance, and follow his example. Unfortunately fate gets in the way, and Ignatius if forced to do something that disgusts him; get a job. Finding a suitable job for a man of his prestige turns out to be exceedingly difficult, and results in him having to take jobs that are intended for lesser men. Thus he is thrust into the life of a workingman, and the places of business that he joins are forever altered by his presence. Throughout the story Ignatius struggles with the women in his life, for some reason they are obsessed with seeing him change. First there is his mother, who is beginning to suspect that her son may be insane, but doesn?t know what to do to change him. Then there is Myrna, a women he knew in college, who has her own passionate worldviews. She is concerned for Ignatius, believing his negative attitude towards sex have played an adverse affect on his life.
Confederacy of Dunces is one of the most absurd and darkly comic stories that you will ever read. Ignatius is a very unsympathetic character, but so well written that you find yourself wishing for him to succeed. The writing is tight, and the book contains so many different thoughts and observations that it is difficult to not be amazed by how complex yet simple the story is.Confederacy of Dunces is a classic example of a work of genius that went unappreciated in its own time. For years John Kennedy Toole was unsuccessful in his efforts to get the book published. The publishing companies always asked for him to rewrite the manuscript and often had their own suggested changes. Even when he would swallow his pride and give in to their requests, they would still reject the book. The frustration from this struggle was one of the factors that led to him killing himself at the age of 32. After his death his mother found the manuscript and made it her life?s mission to get it published and show the world that her son was the genius she believed he was. After years of struggle she found a college professor who was so taken by the book he decided to champion it and get it published. Confederacy of Dunces was released in 1980, hailed as a modern masterpiece, and awarded the Pulitzer Prize.

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