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Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling
(Wayne W. Dyer)

Dyer's latest book is an extension of his previous bestseller, "The Power of Intention". The author declares that he got the germ of the book from the writings of the ancient Indian spiritual master, Patanjali, who advanced yogasutras. This book is special in a number of ways. It is the most subjective of Dyer's books, as he has included many inspiring anecdotes from his personal life. He speaks at length about his mother and alcoholic father, his own life at the foster home, where he says he was the richest boy, about his love life and much more. Anyone who found "Intention" interesting is bound to be attracted by this guide to an inspired life. Dyer promises that his book will enable the readers to lead an eternally inspired life and says that inspiration need not be an occasional occurrence. Needless to say, this inspired author keeps his promise and delivers much more in this book bound to be a sellout.

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