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Pride And Prejudice
(Jane Austen)

Pride and Prejudice is a timeless novel that, though written in the early 19th century and very much of its time, is as relevant to its readers today as it was when first published. The heroine of the novel is Miss Elizabeth Bennet (said by Jane Austen to be her favourite character) feisty, intelligent and quick-witted, she is one of five sisters with a mother determined to see them married well in a world where social standing is all and the Bennet family is somewhat lacking. Jane Austen provides a biting yet affectionate portrayal of a society rife with - as the title suggests - pride and prejudice. If the novel had a moral, it would be not to judge others on first impressions, and this is deftly demonstrated through the celebrated character of Mr Darcy. Arrogant, snobbish and untouchable, Darcy enters Elizabeths social orbit as a symbol of the hierarchical and archaic society in which she lives; however, like most characters in the book, all is not as it at first seems. On the surface, Pride and Prejudice is a refined love story between two people from opposite ends of the social spectrum; a tale of love transcending class, humility overcoming pride, and understanding destroying prejudice. It is also a novel examining human frailty and failings, the presumptions we make, and the lessons we learn. Elizabeth Bennet is as immediate and endearing an heroine as you are ever likely to come across in literature, you will fall in love with her and you will fall in love with Fitzwilliam Darcy.

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