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The Legend
( The Legend Summary
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The Legend
"Let's go Warriors", I yelled as my best friend Mark was walking to the door. The warriors have got to win to got to the NBA playofs against the Miami heat. My father (Jason) are taking my best friend and I to the Warriors game. We had ticket's in, section 101, row 2, seat 2,3, and 4. It was 6:45 and my dad and friend where driving in the car. My friend and I watched a movie and chit- chated about the basketball game starting at 7:30. We where talking, "Why do they start at 7:40 when the game starts at 7:30.
We arrived and I jumped out of the leather seats in the car. We all popped up and ran to the stadium gate. I took a glare at the clock while running, 7:30. Weel good, I thought anxiously waiting in line. "Finnaly we got in", yelled my father Jason. We got in, 7:32, the game actually started on time. One minute and 30 seconds into the Warriors game. We ran to our seats right bhind one of the rims (the Warriors where shooting on that basket). The warriors where battling really har.
Each team using one of there timouts and 2 fouls had the score tied 6 to 6. Fisher had 2 points. Dwayne Wade. Rounding the end of the 1st quarter the teams are really battling this game out and havind a ton of fouls. Warriors had over the limit with 6 and the Heat also having the, limit with 7. Heat are trailing by 4 with the sore 17 to 14. The Heat have to contruibute the basketball because everybody needs to pass. Dwayne Wade has 10 points and Shaqille O'neal with 4 points. On the other side of the court, the Warriors are passing a whole lot. 0 bench points, and 6 people have had at least 2 points.
The Warriors are now dribbling the ball down the quart with the fresh start of the 2nd quarter, Davis has the ball, to Murphey, to Fisher, to Richardson and Richardson dunks it in. The Heat just turn on the game like the Warriors on the next 2 drives. They are on a 6 to 0 run against the Warriors. My friend and father had their eyes attached to the game.
"Timout", yelled the coach Mike Montgomery to make a plan with 23 seconds to go in the half. Score tied 40-40 with the game going bach and forth. Davis dribbles down just at half court so he doesn't get back court violation. Everybody screaming must be some presher to the basketball palyers. Davis desides to dribble down with 3 seconds left and gets it hit away and out to the right side (to the basketball players and the coaches) of the basketball court. 0.3 seconds left. Richardson right under the basket seams like he's going to do something, I thought. Davis throws it up and Richardson dunks it in right as the buzzer goes off. My friend, father, and I where bowing down in astonishment.
As I saw the t-shirts flying in the air at half time that thunder was throwing, I thought the Warriors could win and go all the way to the finals. I just had a strange emotion. I shouted it out loud and everybody glared at me and went back to their conversations. I felt really embarresed.
The 3rd quarter didn't do so much but the score was still tied 70-70. There wher a couple of dunks and also alley-oops. It wasn't close to the action we saw all night. It is going to be awfully close to the end of the game while the Heat try to take the game at the Warriors stadium (The Arena in Oakland).
My friend and my father where wathching intensilly. The game had so much action. 2 on 1, no look pass and behind the back and dunks it in. The Warriors had so much more action than the Heat. 5 minutes and it looked like the warriors leading by 15. 100-85. The Heat just went on a 16 to 0 run because the Warriors arn't playing defense. I bet I could speak to everybody when I say "OH MY GOSH, WHAT ARE THE WARRIORS DOING"! 1 second and the Warriors fans walked up and my friend and father where 1 of the 1000 people left. My section was empty and all beside us too.
Warriors pass it in and shot a 2 to win. Beep... the Warriors missed and everybody booed and said that was a foul. The coach of the Heat was such a e hit Mike Montgomery well shaking hands. I walked and yelled, "It's a technical". The ref held out a T. The Warriors hudled as all the coaches where worrying about the Warriors coach Mike Montgomery. The Warriors desided on having Derek Fisher taking the technical free throws. The Warriors made the 1st and ......... made the second. Everybody scam and ran to the court and greeted Derek Fisher, including us.
Driving home singing he's a johnny good fellow was a blast. My friend also got to sleep over and we got to stay up all night talking about the game. The Warriors ended up winning the 2006 NBA finals and we saw the last game that the Warriors won 103-96. Go Warriors!!!

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