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Jack Frusciante Is Exited From The Group
(Enrico Brizzi)

Ustling Jack is exited from the group is one of those novels of formation that, wanting or nolente, little becomes in the turn time the book symbol of one generation. Siccome watches case makes also I part of this generation, confesses in all honesty that been in order to read one book review likeably partisan.
Partiamo from the history. Enrico Brizzi narrates us the vicissitudes of Alex, a tardoadolescente that others is not that alter the ego of the same writer. Main the novellistic line us extension the strange history of love between Alex and Aidi, one contemporary of the boy; intimate, or intimista, better quite platonic one is one history much, without sex and kisses. The background of this simple history is what it supplies the march in more to the entire novel: Brizzi transports to us in Bologna of first years ?90, between race in vespa, scapestrati friends and punk, the good music, school, family and all the rest.
the crews of the from Bologna writer are essentially two. Before it is the enormous ability to transpose on the page the gergale spoken one about the adolescents of those years, not avoiding, but indeed exalting the neologisms, constructing page after page one the newest, fresh style, than sfocia in a most interesting linguistico sperimentalismo. The second one is l? perfect adhesion of the thematic ones and the vicissitudes, to those of the young public to which it addresses with this book. Alex becomes very soon in imaginary of adolescents of age not simply boy of years ?90, but boy of years? 90.
novel comes appreciated also from critic more or little official, because not he is never gross, because, like we have said, it is a lot interesting from the linguistico and stilistico point of view, and because he is proposed like a good novel of formation, in which Alex, like rising of modern Werther young person, it becomes the vessillo of a generation, a generation that gives this effective one frescoes exits painted with realistic characteristics and interesting: accustomed to endure the things passively, to be immovable to wait for.
With the novels succeeded Brizzi it has tried to you to renew itself gradatamente, in the style like in the topics deals to you. It turns out to you have been alternate but on the whole they said good. It marks it on all according to novel Bastogne, interesting incursion of the writer in the world of the pulp, world in which moreover he it demonstrates to find just comfort, and above all Three imaginary boys, in which Enrico it greets, so to speak, the readers of Jack Frusciante, revealing they that the old Alex, as calls it he, by now definitively has grown.

Samuele Bovine

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