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East Of Eden (penguin
(John Steinbeck)

East of Eden is a powerful book. Describing the late teenage period of young Cal, who lives with his ever perfect, but somewhat blasé brother Aaron and their father in a small american city. The mother is hardly spoken of, it slowly transpires throughout the book that she is the black sheep of the family. Cal, being the rebellious and trapped young man he is, goes in search for hear, having realized she is succesfully running a brothel. He also struggles with the cold attitude his father shows his boys - he teaches them life by making them read the Bible over and over and keeps up the appearance int the small town they live in. The father starts a business adventure but as soon as it fails he drops the idea and gives up on the money lost in the adventure. Cal, trying as ever to be accepted as a good son, starts his own business farming vegetables and in doing so becomes succesfull and gives the hard earned money to his father as a gift but it is refused. While Aaron always choses the "right way" , it seems the father always thinks Cal does "the wrong thing". While all this is happening, Cal slowly falls in love with his brother's girlfriend and Aaron eventually loses her to Cal. This eventually leads to Aaron breaking down, now that his brother has stolen his girlfriend as well as having borrowed the money for the farming adventure from their prostitute mother. A disgrace to Aaron. While Cal in some way achieves catharsis by meeting his mother and being complimented on his eagerness, naive Aaron is shocked with the news of their mother being alive and running a brothel. He joins the army and father is shocked with his family's correct facade crumbling to the point where he breaks down physically and Cal, with the help and support his girlfriend, starts a new relationsship with his father by taking care of the now old, broken man. Cal finds his identity as being the "good" soon after all.

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