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Raven Mccord
(Emily Austin)

Emily Austin has written a fantastic,heart warming peice. Her setting is in eary Texas, in a small poverty ridden town called Coranado.
Raven, a young and beautiful girl hates the way the people in her town live. She wants greater
things. And when the devilishly handsome Devery Scott comes to town Raven gets just that.
After losing her childhood love, Mark, Raven looks for comfort with Mr Scott.
Her exciting and fast moving life leads her to Hawkville. Where she meets Cal Randal.
A young, Handsome and very rich man who Raven comes to like greatly. But things don't go as planned when she loses another man she loves.
Then, once again Devery Scott comes and turns things around for her.
He asks her one thing that she herself can't answer at first. But would it be so bad to end up with this hadsome rich man? she questions herself.

Amy,Ravens soft hearted and sensible elder sister helps Raven through her troubled times.
Always giving a loving and helpful peice of advice.

This book is a heart warming comedy that is meant for all ages.
It can teach us such things like, love is the strongest emotion.
And its not always the ones were looking for. Its the ones that were always there right infront of us.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


