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My Story
(Dave Pelzer)

My Story by Dave Pelzer will leave you breathless. There's no other way of describing it. It is a remarkable book that tells a truly astonishing tale. One which will stay with you for a very long time. The writing comes from the heart of a man who has truly been to hell and back at the hands of his mother. There were points in the book when I had to put it down because of the pool of tears that were swelling up in my eyes.

Dave Pelzer's My Story is a book at his own at the hands of his cruel. It's a story of courage and conviction where a young boy, forced to drink cleaning fluid, must battle a force of evil that most of us only have nightmares about. When pleads to his cowardly father go unnoticed, Dave must draw strength from whereever he can in order to survive.

It is much a story of sadness as it is of strength. It is about a boy that must survive in conditions that men would be scared of. This is a book about life and all the dark secrets that most people will fortunately avoid. Dave is torchered for years by his derranged stepmother. He is let down by his father and the school system. Even when he is away from his mother, her cruelty still haunts his every thought.

The beauty about this book is its ability to teach us all something important about life. It taught me that life isn't about what happened. It isn't about how hard we've had it or about all the things that went wrong. Its about picking yourself up. Its about having the courage to stand up, believe in yourself and have the conviction to fight evil in whatever its form. Its about moving on and being the better person. Its about looking to the future, rather then the past. I would reccommend this amazing book to anyone.

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