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Small Modern World
(Antonio Fogazzaro)

According to novel of the tetralogia, with Small Modern World Fogazzaro it begins the distance of analysis of the conflict between sense of the bourgeois duty and spirit of rebellion to the imperante moral in province. One cracked of the risorgimentale society post through the vicissitudes of the protagonist Piero Maironi, and its family.

Antonio Fogazzaro (Vicenza 1842 - 1911) is born in one family of the catholic bourgeoisie vicentina. Moved to Turin for the university studies, he undertakes the legal career, that he will continue to I re-enter in the city born them. Its literary career begins in 1873, with the banns of works in backs, and comes consecrated in the 1881 from the Malombra novel, which they make followed Daniel Cortis (1885), capolavoro Small Ancient World (1895), from which the tetralogia will leave: Small Modern World (1901), Saint (1905), Leila (1910).

the necklace the classics finds again to you collects a series of smaller nevertheless meaningful literary works considered of the Italian and world-wide literary panorama. Beside these, for thoroughness of the cycles narrated to you, moreover proposals come classics that of the chosen works represent an indispensable completion of reading.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


