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Amarse Con Los Ojos Abiertos
(Jorge; Bucay. Silvia salinas.)


This is a book written by psychologist and author Jorge Bucay, whose fame has recently been inflamed by conflict resulting from book plagiary allegations. He is the well-known author of several self-improvement books, so who cares who actually wrote this one? Especially considering that when you resort to this type of reading what you?re after is precisely self-improvement. This book is for everybody, recently separated men or women, or people who are unable to find an ?ideal? partner with whom to share their lives. Not only does it aid us in the discovery process, but also makes us fully aware of our own mistakes, revealing the reality of love, provoking thought on the love choices we?ve made in the last years, on how we try to bring into marriage, our monogamist way of life, love, respect and common aspirations; offering us some clues as to how to make it all click. How? You may wonder. Quite simply (or at least that?s the way the author makes it sound) by doing away with useless myths that act like stumbling stones on our road to happiness; guiding us in the introspective process which enables us to somehow pull down the walls we?ve built around us, walls that don?t allow us to see what?s beyond. It is a book that gives pleasure and provokes mixed feelings, since you get the impression that it has been written especially for you. The subject is exhaustively explored. All issues mentioned. Nothing left out. This book encourages deeper thought.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Road Less Traveled And Beyond: Spiritual Growth In An Age Of Anxiety

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- The Shadow Of The Wind

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