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The Historian
(Elisabeth Kostova)

The vampirism. Everyone is somehow draged to this subject. Maybe it's because of the mystery surrounding the legend. Maybe it's because the legend itself. Maybe we like to be affraid. Or just like to read (or watch) bloody story.
The novel Historian by Elisabeth Kostova will take you for an unforgettable journey through time and land, to discover and (what's more important) understand the basics that led to the creation of a vampire.
The story told by the author is really a masterpiece of form. You read the story of a young lady, living in the 70s, who is telling you about the story her father told her in the 50s, about things that happend to his friend in th 30s. It may sound complicated, but it isn't - reading through the story is a pure pleasure and there is no place you could get lost. It's all made of the memories of the young girl, the story the father tells and letters that are left by his friend. One story told to you by three different characters, divided by time, but joined with one need - to find and understand. And above all that there is a ghost of Vlad the Impaler, Son of the Dragon - Dracula, who, above all, desired power of knowlege and who loved history above anything else.
It's all there, everything you could possibly imagine in that kind of story - vampires, heros, garlic, peg and burning stakes. There are wars, battles, monks and libraries. Lot's of them in fact. But there is also an explanation of the birth of a vampire. And an icredible theory about the legend of St. George, who may have killed the Dragon, but then the Son of a Dragon killed the Saint. This is not a review, but encouragment to read the story by yourself...

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