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Rape Of The Lock
(Alexander pope)

a highly comical satire by Alexander pope .
The artificial tone of the age and the frivolous of feminity is nowhere more excellently shown except in this poem .we see her the elegance,the emptiness,the meaness,the vanity the jealousies and the intigue of the social life of the aristrocracy of the time.the idelness,late-rising and the fondness for domestic pets of the aristocratic ladies of the time are indicated to us at the very begining when we were told that Belinda woke up at the hours of 12 and that having woke up she fell asleep again.ladies were conscious of rank and titles and their ambition of getting married to peers and dukes has been mentioned.
theses ladies learnt early in life how to roll their eyes and how to blush in a coquettish manner to attract the attention of gallants.another interesting part in the story is "te machinery of rape of lock" it is that part where angels ,demons,sylphs are made to act.
pope throught this book meant that quarrels of the ladies arose mainly from their want of good sense.vanity of women fill houses with disquite,do more obstruct to the happiness of life.pop's poem is a condemnation of ill-humour ,vanity and ill tolerance of women and a plea for good humour and a rational approach to things

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