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(toni morrison)

Beloved is a powerful emotive book which will pull at your heratstrings. It is a fictional ghost story dedicated to the 'sixty million or more' African Americans who suffered unmentionable abuse under the institution of slavery. The book centres on the character of Sethe, a powerful woman who murdered her baby girl to protect her from facing the physical and psychological abuse she would face as a slave in a white capitalist dominated space. Sethe's killing of her daughter is juxaposed with the reality of the babarity of the slave owners. Black people were treated as inferior others under this system. They were seen as beasts whoose fuction was to labour in the fields and reproduce for their masters. Beloved is Sethe's daughter reincarnated twenty years later. She is symbolic of the need for African Americans to confront the past and the injustice they have suffered as a result. The arrival of Beloved forces Sethes daughter to ask the community for help when Beloved turns nasty. Toni Morrison encourages African Americans to forge a new national consciousness as the community accept Sethe at the end of the book.

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- Beloved

- Beloved

- Beloved

- Beloved

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