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Electric Charges And Coulomb's Law In

The subjects of electricity and magnetism has important with almost all branches of science. These two subjects form the underlying principles to modern technological civilisation.
The term Electrostatics contain two words,. electro and statics. The word electro concerned with electri charges, While statics is connected with the state of rest or stationary. Thus we can say that electrostatic is that branch of physics which deals with the study of electric charges at rest.
Further, when two insulating bodies are rubbed with each other then eletric charges are developed.These charges are found to be at rest,It means charges can be produced by friction,hence,this brach of science i.e. electrostatics is also called Frictional electricity.
The modern explanation of electrification is based on an " atomic " or " electron " model. According to this model, every material is made upof atoms. Every atoms consist of portons and neutrons. The portan is +vely charge while neurtron has no charge. AROUND THE nucleus revolve the third kind of particles called " electrons " in different ...orbits.

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