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Who's World Is It Anyway
(Jacqueline E. Price)

Who's World Is It Anyway
One child plays in it
While another dies in it
While a Child sees it
A Father no longer around
His remains scattered across the ground
Sadly to say a Child was around
Damn who's world is it anyway
A child lays unable to move, for he is hungry
Another sits unable to move, for he is thirsty
A Mother to weak, to sick to take the journey
Where there is food
They treat her rude
She doesn't believe what they believe
She doesn't see what they see
She just lies there, Rivers shy at her as she cries
For in her arms her child has died
Damn who world is it anyway
A six year old boy is frighten
Big Brother already off fighten
An enemy he can't see
Forced into a hatred he can't even believe
For he knows no malice in his heart
Even though a mine has blown his limbs apart
Damn who's world is it anyway
At night a child can't sleep
For it is at night he has to creep
So he peeps
To see if it is safe
Safe to walk about
Safe to talk about
Allah, Jesus, oops did I hear you say freedom
Shh??.. Osama Bin Ladin
Oh Lord the children
Why has Thou forsaken them
Damn Who's world is it anyway
Hitler, Kadafi, Reagan, Clinton
Bush oh no not again
Saddam Hussein
I am Beginning to think that they are all insane
Who's world is it anyway
We negotiate
While Children search for a place to recreate
While man searches for a place to procreate
Damn it! Who's world is it anyway
When a child can't laugh out loud, for fear he or she may ignite a bomb
When a child can't play hide and seek for fear that he or she may accidentally hide in a bomb
When a child can't play hopscotch for fear that he or she may step on bomb
When a child can't kneel down on his knees to pray for fear his prayers will ignite a bomb
Damn who's world is it anyway
The Children, the Children, the Children
Peace be still so America's Children won't be killed
Peace be still so that Africa's Children won't be killed
Peace be still so that Afghanistan's Children won't be killed
Peace be still so that Kuwait's Children won't be killed
Peace be still so that Korea's Children won't be killed
Peace be still so that Pakistan's Children won't be killed
Peace be still so that Iraq's Children won't be killed
Peace be still so that Israel 's children's won't be killed
Peace be still so that Russia, Liberia, Palestine, England, Haiti,
Asia, Australia, Canada, The World
Peace be still so that the children of our future won't be killed
Please No War

(The mention of the names Bush, Reagan, Clinton, or any other Leader is not in anyway a disrespect to either of the American Presidents, the comment relates to the state of the world's peace structure during each tenure. This poem is strictly about the Children of our world no matter their age, and may God continue to bless our Children to include our American Troops)

By Jacqueline E. Price

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