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The Confession
(Lev Tolstoj)

The Confession describes the spiritual crisis that characterizes the last years of Lev Tolstoy's life. Abandoning public life, the author is withdrawing himself into the life of Jasnaya Pollyanna; he is dedicating himself to work the land, and he is preaching non-violence. The revolution, the changing of the world ? is the current teaching of Tolstoy- that can only come through manual and individual work. The revolutions of the words and of proclamations are only deceiving.
After ?The Kingdom of God is in You?, published last year, this continues the literature path proposed by Marco Valerio on the work of the Russian writer, put in a religious and philosophical context with pp144 gnosis ISBN 88-88132-42-0 euros 6,00.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


