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Dead To The World
(Charlaine Harris)

For drama loving, Vampire seeking, romance story lovers everywhere, look no further! Charlaine Harris knew what you wanted and bundled it up in one great little series that's waiting for you! Although Dead To The World is the fourth in the series, newcomers will be glad to hear that Harris has a way with writing that does not require you to read all other previous books in order to know what's going on, and after reading the fourth in the series I really don't think I want to.
After driving home from work, Telepath Sookie Stackhouse sees the gorgeous Vampire Eric running along the side of the road, half naked, and with no clue who he is!
Witches are after him and his business! So, for an amazingly high fee from his employees, Sookie takes him into her house, but the once pain in the neck, seductive Vamp is now a caring and sensitive individual whom Sookie is having trouble resisting.
In all other previous books it was made clear that Eric was a playboy who enjoyed hitting on Sookie just for a thrill. Bill, Sookie's first Vampire love is now history and Eric is up for grabs! The ending ... ah, the ending! It does what it's supposed to for a novel in a series and makes you want to read the next book! Luckily Dead As A Doornail was already out by the time I had finished it, and now I'm waiting for Definitely Dead to come out.
I say pick up one of these books as soon as possible! Anyone of them will do and you're sure to be hooked!

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