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Life, The Universe And Everything
(Douglas Adams)

When last seen ape descendent Arthur Dent was stranded in a cave in prehistoric Earth with nothing but a rabbit skin bag to link him to civilization. The native population was made up of the annoying and non-productive members of another race and things were looking bleak.
But this being the second in the Hitchhiker?s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy adventure is not far away. Soon Arthur is landing on a sofa in the middle of Lords cricket ground where England are just winning the ashes, discovering the science of Bistromathics and the invisible properties of the Somebody Else?s Problem Field and as encore preventing the evil robots of Krikkit from destroying the universe because it doesn?t fit with their Paul McCartney type world.
Unfortunately for Arthur he is redirected and almost misses the chance to go to the longest running party in the universe ?which lasted for so long that it actually took off and raided nearby planets for supplies- because of the vengeful tendencies of Arajag.
The bowl of petunias, a cow, a fish, several swatted flies, the rabbit of the bag and a man with a weak heart watching the ashes a Lords were all Arajag, a creature who ended all of its unfortunately lives at the hands of Arthur Dent. His very last life is dedicated to destroying the unrepentant Dent and he creates the Cathedral of Hate to bring about that destruction.
But unfortunately for Arajag Arthur is part of a greater mission. Along the way he rediscovers the hold-all that he lost at Athens airport, but for some strange reason still doesn?t understand the question to Life, the Universe and Everything.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Famous Hitchhiker's Guide

- Life, The Universe And Everything

- Life, The Universe And Everything

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