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(Tadeusz Meszko)


?J.H.W.H.?, as if Author says is a rouge tale. Young angel tries to find true meaning of being. He asks the questions about the main aim of his species existence. Even title refers to biblical name this is an abbreviation of spaceship called like that.
The last efficient skilled game-machine has collapsed. Petrus is furious. He was dreaming all time long about a post in the Dispatcher?s Office ? the heart of J.H.W.H as well as the others. He has started to look for a sense of life. However, nor Keeper of The Book With Threadbare Angels neither Izes maniac did not give expected answers. Period of rut on the unit intensifies his frustration. He arrives at the conclusion that the all-angelic life has no deeper sense. Right moment has come at last, and doors to Dispatcher?s Office opened. Petrus availed his chance and gone through. He is discovering the new truths?
Book written by Tadeusz Meszko is the next test to understand dependence between human species and other, possible beings exist in Universe. Why do we believe in fate? Why do we still think that we are surveillance; that someone or something stands behind the strange situations in a lone person or population? That tale invites aboard of the jet of minimum two meanings.

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