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The Hotel Of The Sad Women
(Marcela Serrano)

This is a novel that is not very easy to read, it?s not like one of those novels when you read all in one breath, sometimes slow, sometimes sad, but this is a book that touches deep within, leaving something, a nostalgic feeling and a story that finely has a happy ending.
Close to the Fire Land, in Chile, the deep south of the world is born a house that is more than a hotel, reserved only for women, women that after going through pain and loneliness and mourning can find themselves again, a sort of a beauty farm for the heart and soul. In the book are found different figures of women, but on all of them is clearly seen the portrait of Floreana, the fragile woman, weakened of life, and yet, in the sad women hotel she will find that she can still love and life still has a purpose and it?s worth living it till the end.
In this portrait of the feminine life there is not missing the mail figure, men that in their pain and loneliness are fragile and sensitive too. The ?doctor? is a fantastic man that any woman can fall in love with easily. The book is also talking about love and if the sex is just a little grazed, and in the beautiful and sensual dance that Floriana and the ?doctor? share, is not missing the sensual emotions and the tingles. A novel and a story that is hard to forget and that gives hope to the sad.

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