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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

Review--The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy--Douglas Adams

A best-selling science-fiction novel, ?The
Hitchhiker?s Guide to the Galaxy? written by Douglas Adams, is
absolutely a book that should be added to the ?belt? for one who enjoys
comedy and/or a good book for that matter.

Mastering and understanding the comedic art is what
makes Douglas Adams such a brilliant writer. The art of comedy is to
take the expected and make it the unexpected, flip is upside-down and
then flip it over for a whole new meaning. What gives Adam?s the fine
artistic touch in his literature is that he can put in the occasional
serious moments that exist in a true comedy and he lets it pour into
the rest of the story like it was supposed to be there all along.

As u read along don?t get confused with the
characters because Adam?s has set up a small crew of characters
including; Arthur dent, the last man alive from planet earth, Marvin, a
robot with the same characteristics as the tin man from The Wizard of
Oz, Ford Perfect, who is pretty much prefect in the street goers
perspective, and don?t forget the thief, Zaphod Beeblebrox who was the
former president of the Universe. These characters are thrown into
various, odd situations over which they have no control. There is a
plot to each book, but it is secondary. The real joy of the novel is to
sit back and absorb it all. Also veiled throughout the text are odd
facts about the Universe and it?s history which provide an excerpt of
humor but really have no reason to be there.

Adam?s is very perplexed and should at least receive
a ?wow? after finishing one of his novels. He has five books in
his so called trilogy which include "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy," "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe," "Life, the
Universe, and Everything," "So Long and Thanks for All the Fish," and
"Mostly Harmless." If you?re the kind of person who enjoys a
Monty-python sort of humor than this is the book for you and would only
cost you a night out at the local pizza parlor for a universe of


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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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- The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe

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