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Pippi Longstocking
(Astrid Lindgren)

When an adult looks back to his youth, he remembers his childhood dreams and compares them to the life they lead now. Some realise that they have fulfilled their dreams, however, the majority of adults see that their present lives are very far from what they dreamed of as children.
Children's books are not only written for children! A children's book provides adults with the means to access their childhood and the dreams that have been shattered by the tough reality of the world. Many would agree that Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking, with its simple yet convicing magical story could melt the heart of even the most grown-up of adults.
Pippilotta, or Pippi for short, is more than a classic magical character. When she meets her friends, they are immediately dazzled by her supernatural abilities, such as lifting up her spotted horse, and are therefore drawn to spend all their free time with her. For Pippi, nothing is impossible! Her physical strength and rhetorical abilities are the leading forces of her supernatural persona - a fact which appeals to readers of all ages. For children, Pippi epitomises a hope for the existense of the supernatural; for adults - Pippi brings back their childhood dreams and their need for a better world: a world of magic, fun and friendship...

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