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Love Is A Drug!!!

LOVE IS A DRUG!!!It's no secret, emotions can affect your health for the positive and
negative. Love can have the same effect too, according to recent

An interesting CNN piece tied into Valentine's Day probed the physical
properties of one of the strongest feelings of all -- romantic love --
in the brain and found it has less to do with our idealistic notions.
In fact, the brain handles love, based on research, like an addictive

For the study, 17 love-struck patients looked at pictures of their
sweethearts while an MRI machine captured images of their brains.
Researchers found the portion of the brain that stood out most was the
area connected to pleasure and rewards, not unlike one's desire for
chocolate or money.

Thank goodness, this drive doesn't last forever. In good relationships,
romantic love transitions to a different stage, labeled attachment. In
bad ones, however, lovesickness can be a big problem and even be

Stress -- even the kind induced by love -- plays a major role in the
health of most every patient I see, but is virtually impossible to
eliminate. That's why it's important to adjust your body's ability to
better handle stress by learning a safe, proven energy psychology tool
like the Emotional Freedom Technique and staying away from drug-based
"cures" like antidepressants.

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