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Code Of The Umbanda
(Rubens Saraceni)

ne is about a workmanship psicografada for médium Rubens Saraceni, under the inspiration of some Masters of the Light, between them Mr. Ogum Beira-Mar, the Father Benedict de Aruanda, I read Mahi Am Seri yê, Seiman Hamiser yê and Ananda Master. Code of Umbanda is an open book that uses a clear language and to comment the lines masters who guide science, the practical doctrine and the religious one of the Umbanda. It has here a refined analysis of the elements that involve the Ritual of Sacred Umbanda, as much in level of the practical rituals how much of the existence and the diffusion of a umbandista religious conscience, promoting the clarification not only to the fidiciary offices but also to the public opinion in general concerning the beddings and of the objectives of Ritual while the religious that if places to the flesh-color disposal and deixarred a carne option. The workmanship is composed of 4 Books, in one alone volume of 570 pages: Book 1: Doctrine and Ritual of Umbanda, Book 2: Magic of Umbanda - Basic and Basic Knowledge, Book 3: Orixás, the Thrones of God, and Book 4: The Science of the Orixás, or Science of the Entrecruzamentos. It approaches the most diverse aspects of the Umbanda, theoretical beddings on orixás, rituals and offerings, tempered with recommendations of moral order, awareness on the basic objectives of this religion. It discloses to the arcanos or knowledge until then occult, until where it is allowed by the Astral to disclose them. With much didactics, it displays the meaning mântrico and cabalístico of the sung points and striped fabrics, the meaning of "estrelinhas", spears, swords, crosses, arrows, tridentes, that are tracings for the incorporated entities. It sucintamente approaches the 7 Lines of Umbanda, with its orixás of the Encima and of the one Under, orixás of the Right and the Left. It presents the vibratory differentiation between lines of forces, levels and crossed lines, orixás ancestral, essential, elementais, natural, orixá of associate front and orixá, hierarchy of orixás. Undoing myths and demolindo preconceptions, it clarifies that the Umbanda alone works for the Good and the solution of the problems of day-by-day, functioning as soon-aid of poor and as way for God. It presents us Exu, not as Devil, but as messenger neutral entity and of orixás, sincrética and ecumenical Religion par excellence, not proselitista and desinteressadamente ready to take care of to all and any person, independently of the religion that it professes, without charging gratefulness or filiations, all fact on behalf of the Love. It adopts Jesus Christ as to be followed model. Sample as the mediunidade is not punishment nor conviction, being, before, a divine gift, a chance more to serve to the next one. Satiated illustrated book, with more than two hundred extremely didactic graphs and projects, making with that the umbandistas are not limited to the practical ones of the places of fetichism, but searchs the physical beddings of the irradiations, passes, incorporations, magias and effect, the meaning of the conjuncts, of the colors, grass, pembas, vestments, atabaques and equipment of the guides.

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- 2011 - Regência Dos Orixás

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