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Himalayan range covers the entire northern part of India, nestling five major states of the country within it. The ancient Indian pilgrims who have travelled in these mountains since time immemorial coined a Sanskrit word for the Himalayas meaning ?Abode of Snow?.

Some of the reasons why people have been so fascinated by the Indian Himalayas is because of the Hindu pilgrim routes, the low valleys that abruptly rise up in high mountain ranges, the lovely trekking hikes, densely forested areas lying just a mountain range away from barren cold deserts, and the lovely people of the mountains with their unique hospitable lifestyles.

Major Indian Himalayan Regions

Jammu and Kashmir are really three regions: the foothill plains of Jammu; the lakes and blue valleys of Kashmir rising to alpine passes, the high altitude plains and starkly beautiful mountains of Ladakh, which lies beyond those passes. It's enough to move one to poetry. Srinagar is Kashmir's summer capital and Jammu, the winter capital. Among the most attractive part that this Indian state has is the adventure oppurtunities that can be seggragated into trekking, mountaineering and Trans Himalayan Jeep Safari.

What can make a mountaineering expedition, an adventure one could never forget? If its done on the glaciers that are still craving to be explored. The Himalayan range offers some of the most rigorous mountaineering challenges one can ever come across. The glaciers of Ladakh and Kashmir regions can test one's survival to the fittest and most testing of them all is the Siachen glacier, known as the largest glacier outside the Polar Regions.
Himachal Pradesh is the land of snow, lofty peaks, cascading streams, alpine meadows & lush fruit-laden valleys. Many parts of the Himachal state have a distinctly Austrian look with conifer-clad mountains, chalet-like huts with overhanging balconies and serene blue valleys watered by snow-fed streams. Shimla the capital of Himachal Pradesh, is still very much a Raj township in appearance and atmosphere.

Himachal also store numerous wonderful hill stations, which are particularly cool in summers. Shimla, Dalhousie, Kullu, Manali and Kufri are a few of the hill Stations in Himachal Pradesh which offer breathtaking scenery and countless options of adventure sports. Dharamshala, where the Dalai Lama lives, is another important centre on the tourist map.

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