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Point Blanc
(Anthony Horowitz)

Anthony Horowitz has written six ?Alex Rider? books and this is the second in the series. He has also written another series of six books called ?The Diamond Brothers?. He is presently working on a series of five books called the ?Power of Five?, all targeted at teenagers. On the other end he also writes for television and radio, some of his work includes ?Midsommer Murders? and ?Poirot?.

Alex Rider, a fourteen year old undercover MI6 agent is on his second adventure. This book is filled with action including skiing, diving and even jumping onto trains. The fourteen year old boy is undercover yet again as a rebellious teenager and is sent to the Alps to an Academy which only takes in rich, rebellious teenagers. Alex Rider know something is not right. He searches the Academy day and night for information on the deaths of the two fathers.

The tension grows as Alex is continuously caught on CCTV cameras and Dr. Grief, the man behind the mystery deaths who we can classify as the main antagonist. The pace of the book is fairly consistent at a high pace. The pace of the book kept me interested and there was a level of suspense in the book that made it hard to put down as you were left on a constant cliff hangar after every chapter.

Point Blanc is a well written book which I felt was really enjoyable to read because the combination of the tension and pace made me want to read on. This and the way that Anthony Horowitz writes, by having two stories going on at the same time, increased the level on suspense which made it more exciting. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes being left on a constant cliff hangar and who does not like to put a book down!

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