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How Does Your Garden Grow?
(frances ann ladd.)

it is
a beautiful day. said funshine bear. what should we do? lets plant a
garden said cheer bear. lets make it a rainbow-colored garden said
bedtime bear good idea said friend bear.the care bears went to
find their seeds i like pink tulips said cheer bear the bulbs are
in my pot.i will grow yellow sunflowers said funshine bear the seeds
are in my bucket can i plant green four leaf clovers? asked good luck
bear of coures! said friend bear.oh no said friend bear my bucket
of daisy seeds is gone here it is said good luck bear no said friend
bear thats bedtime bear's bucket of sweet dreams the care bears met at
the cloud patch what is wrong asked whis bear i can't find my daisy
seeds said friend beari whis you could find them said whis bear
that's okay said friend bear i can help you plant your seeds let me
help you dig your holes said friend bear thank you said
love-alot-bear.you look sleepy said friend bear i can plant your seeds
that is a big help yawned bedtime bear.may i water that row asked
friend bear yes please said good luck bear soon the care bears were
done thank you for your help funshine bear said to friend bear
we could'nt have done it without you said cheer bear and the care
bears went to play.that night bedtime bear sprinkled sweet dreams on
the garden then he looked at his bucket uh oh said bedtime bear this
not my bucket many weeks passed the garden grew friend bear got a big
surpise how did my daisies grwo asked friend bear i whis i knew said
whis bear i know said friend bear it was bedtime bear our buckets
got mixed up he sprinkled daisies instead of dreams maybe said
love-alot bear or maybe your friendship helps everything grow.

the end.!

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