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So Many Writers
(mike cahill)

One of the least read books in this country is also one of the oldest, the Bible. Should one want to hide something, put it there. Millions of homes have at least one copy of either the protestant or catholic version. Millions of children are given copies upon graduating from Sunday school programs. More and more people today are reading it more often, but that figure pales in comparison to years earlier.
During the birth years of our great nation religion controlled pretty much the way folks lived. The idea of missing prayer sessions was highly frowned upon. The reading of the Bible was done every day. Those not wishing to were persuaded otherwise. So why the decline in perusing the Psalms and Revealation?
In certain parts of the country the Bible is read daily. Not only is it read but studied as to meaning. Being taught that early on makes a difference. Is the Bible that boring?
It was written by so many authors the topics are basically the same, believe in a power than yourself and you'll be okay. Such an easy translation for books of the Bible, yet true.
Whatever the reason one may have for not reading it, the stories never change. No heroes ride in on white stallions to save the fair maiden. The walls of Jericho still fall down. Moses finds the tablets and delivers them. And so on. The words are written in manners unfamiliar to us by writers of a foreign tongue so many centuries past. That alone could be used as a good excuse. Besides it is easier to read a newspaper, right?
The Bible was written to be read so we can learn how to live better. Maybe if more of it was read less problems would exist.

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- The Bible

- The Bible

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


