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Madame Bovary
(Gustaphe Flaubert)

If this book became traditional universal of the literature of an always current power, it is because its eponym character. Emma Bovary is a romantic heroin of a rare size and modernity for this epoch. She is one of these hearts which carry in them the conscience that the prodigal world in promises is quite poor of effects. Its aspiration has the exaltation, with lyricism, has the size, and against romantic of the existence runs up has the deeper insipidity of reality. She is thirsty for an absolute in the love, in the daily life, which cannot be satisfied that in the extraordinary one. That's her misfortune which she will fight in the literature has the water of pink, then gradually in the adultery. In vain. There is something of attractive, and accept the horrible, this incapacity to live, and to accept the reel, her reel. Slowly, she builds her descent into Hell, a decadence which adds some with the myth and the romanticism of the character. Emma is not satisfied with dream, she compromises herself, corrupts with the wire of the pages, fan, blackens herself, until to become a driving bolt. What could be larger than this heroin lost by her dreams, if eloigned of the traditional portraits of the woman, so far from the espouse, so far from the mother, the menagerie or simple in love. Flaubert is pressed on his character out of the common run, upsetting, to devote himself to criticism middle-class very hardly. He delivers himself has his hobby-horse with genie; being useful himself has wonder of Emma Bovary. He is lost in a province all that there is more tedious, of more banal, limit in terms of horizons. He married her to the first arrived what it is necessary to qualify without another possibility of beef - at best of hornet man to the restrictive direction. Yonville, this decor picturesque and pathetic, rural, as its mediocre characters form a cocktail detonate in opposition with the heart and the spirit dreams of Emma. The play of the opposites has its paroxysm. Flaubert orients the whole with talent making of each figure of the book a representing model of the facets - abhorred - spirit of the time. At each moment, his very modern writing, , prickly, full of irony deduct us into corrosive the current ideas, defiant the commonplaces. Imposing.

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