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The Shakesperian Wedding Of
(Archana chouhan)

What did he say when he proposed to her " AS YOU LIKE IT "
From whom did they by wedding dress " THE MERCHANT OF VENICE "
When did wedding take place ? " ON THE TWELTH NIGHT "
Which aged king got them married ? " KING LEAR "
Who were the witness of wedding ? " THE TWO GENTLEMAN OF VERONA "
Who was the best man present there ? " JULIUS CAESAR "
Why was the first quarrel takes place ? " Because it was " A COMEDY OF ERRORS "
What was the husband ' s job ? " THE TAMING OF SHREW "
What did the wife give her husband ? " MEASURE MORE MEASURE "
What did the marriage turn out to be ? " LOVES LABOURS LOST "
What did other says when two again live together ? " ALL'S WELL THAT END'S WELL "

Resumos Relacionados

- William Shakespeare

- A Dinner Conversation

- Taming Of The Shrew

- Tartuffe

- All's Well That Ends Well

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