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Life, The Universe And Everything
(Douglas Adams)

A question to another question results in puzzle! Makes interesting no, that?s what happens in this series. A group of pandimensional, hyper-intelligent race creates a supercomputer to find the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything, but the supercomputer comes up with the answer ?42? and states that the question itself is not clear. Finally suggests to create yet another computer to find the answer.

Soon after building a more powerful super computer they named it as Earth, which is huge enough to be misunderstood as a planet. The people who created it takes up a form of 'mice' to run the program in Earth comfortably. Earth starts calculating the answer for the question, after ten millions years of calculation, the super computer was destroyed by the Vogons just five minutes before the calculation is about to be completed.

In the consecutive part of the story, it was revealed that the Vogons are hired by a group of people under the name of philosophers and psychiatrists to destroy the supercomputer Earth. Actually, they get a fear that they will lose their job if the knowledge of meaning of life is made available to common people. Thus, they setup a conspiracy ending up in the destruction of the supercomputer Earth.

Later the hyper-intelligent race mice, comes up with the different concepts, which leads to various assumptions. At the last series of the novel ?Mostly Harmless? we get a final reference to the number ?42,? Ford is the person who suspiciously finds it out once it is achieved the whole of the Earth gets destroyed.

This novel suggests several possibilities of the concept to which the Earth proposes. Marvin, a robot?s vision about the ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything are also discussed in detail, which is supposed to know the exact answer. In this book, at the end, Arthur encounters a man Park, the person gets the knowledge of all the truth acquired through the overdose of truth serum explains something to Arthur by which the novel ends. Want to know what he explains to Arthur?read ?Life, The Universe and Everything.?

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- Life, The Universe And Everything

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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