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Life Is Huge
(Susan Jeffers)

This is indeed another winner by Susan as she taps into all our basic insecurities. The way that i can just open the book up at any chapter and it is what i need to know. It is spectacular in the way that it taps into our fears of rejection, illness and ridicule.
The way that Susan talks about how she was robbed by some young boys and then later on when facing them in the court house discovers they are no different from her is just magic to the eyes. For the first time Susan is saying we are all similar and human beings who share in similar experiences instead of me and them scenario. This is one of many examples of how powerful this book is in bring home to people the truth of life and its mysteries.
But no Susan doesn't just stop here no she then goes on to challenge the preconceived ideas of how it is wrong to cry and show emotions and how people around us are not really strangers but instead our friends we just haven't been introduced to them. In a similar way Susan remembers how she was driving one day and she got into difficulty and a woman nearby helped her without evven knowing her and Susan refers to these as instant angels, people who are there in the wings ready to support us when we need help.
The other great thing about this book is how easy it is to read and how it can be immediately understood and related to. Especially in the way that again Susan refers tu us not getting stuck in thelittle things of life and instead enjoying what we have as opposed to worrying about how we look or wheather a boyfriend will or won't call.
So all in all this is a book i would reccomend you buy because the value in it is endless as itis a book that can be looked at time and timeagain and always provides some form of answer no matter what you are going through.

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