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Brave New World
(Aldous Huxley)

Brave New World is a

wonderful read for curious minds. The book is about
a new

world where drugs, sex, and robotics come alive and

"controlled" by the government. The caste system in this

book separates everyone living in this world. The

is a dictatorship requiring Alphas, Betas,

etc, to embrace
their own and leaving the outsiders

alone. The memorable
characters are D.H.C. who is the

director of the hatchery.

Mustapha Mond is a resident controller of Western

one of the world controllers who lectures the
students on

the past and present of earth. Mond is a very important

character because of his views of ethics.

Bernard Marx is Alpha plus who is a vertically

successful psychologist. His role is of an outcast

of his inferiority to others.

Lenina Crowne is a desirable woman who tries to persuade

Marx to take her to the reservation. Marx and Lenina are

very close to one another. Through out the book they are

doing drugs, and she is always undressing. Lenina

becomes frequent among other men because it is

normal for
her to behave this way.

Fanny Crowne is a friend of Lenina who pressures her to

more traditionally promiscuous. They behave like Lucy

Ethel, and are very entertaining though out the book.

Benito Hoover is the drugdealer with a pure heart of

intentions. Instead of needles and pills the drugs he

offered are sex-hormone chewing gum.

John, the Savage is the crazed man who attacks the

and the people inside.

Freedom is ability for everyone to do drugs

and have sex,
and do the jobs they were grown to do in

this world. The novel is very
deep, very gloomy, and very

scienfic but easily understandable and enjoyable.

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