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How To Keep Men Attrected Towards You?
(christan carter)

Afterall, men are men , infact every individual has his own whims and fancies according to his or her nature , Recommending people to read the book and holding men is not easy.
If your love is true nobody can hold you stop you from being honest and stable. But if a person is open for all kinds of new things in life is not serious about others feelings, can never never be serious about his own.
So what's the point reading that book, he say's hez a guy so knows well what a guy wants, but I'm must say a guy never knows what he wants until he come across the Best and never wants to leave that one for ever. Well, but, being a male is natural he'll b always attracted to the opposite sex.

The best part is believing in one's own instinct, whatever is set in our mind and what we want to do happens. We are the only one who can stop it or think about reasons.
Knowing ourselves is what we should learn or practice that makes easier for us to know others and others to know us.


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