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Someone has said so rightly - If your heart loses you will lose, if your heart wins so do you. We should look at this in perspective with present times. Because todays times are filled with stress.Everyday we face a new stress. To keep our identity intact we have to face may types of stresses everyday. Hence a person is always surrounded by stress, tension, confusion,disappointment and anger. When this stress becomes permanent in our life, our mental health starts deteriorating. This starts affecting our physical heath and burdened with a stressed out mind our body also becomes stresses out. Sucess can remove physical stress. However if we are unsuccessfull the physical stress becomes twice as much. When we stress out mentally the pace of life becomes slow. Instead of facing new situations or new problems we start moving backwards. In other words we become pessimists. In sunch situations a person cannot completely enjoy life. As per the Gita " Only the one who does not have mental stress, whose mind cannot be affected by good or bad situations can experience eternal happiness. To get true happiness we have to be in complete mental health. A person with positive thinking and a hopeful perspective can turn all situations is his favour. If in an persons attitude is pessimistic, who is mentally tired. The darkness of hopelessness will cover his path. To remove this darkness he will need hope and creative thinking so that we can fight back and remove it from the roots.

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