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Now Sheba Sings The Song
(Maya Angelou)

Maya Angelou published Now Sheba Sings the Song in 1987 at the age of 59. Already an accomplished and acclaimed author, the Missouri born afro-american had, by this time in her career, been covered in awards and honours. Artist Tom Feelings asked her to write a poem to accompany his rich collection of drawings of black women. The result is more of a song than a poem, it is definitely best read out loud and on a second read, I felt that I wanted to stand up to sway to the lyrical flow of her words. Now Sheba Sings the Song is a celebration of womanhood, dedicated to all women of all colours, though it speaks more specifically to black women. It celebrates their innate sensuality, their courage and strength, their sadness and yet unbeatable hope. It is a poem full of tenderness and warmth, both of colour and image, though there remains an undercurrent of violence, whether racial or sexual. Somehow Sheba seems to transcend time and history, inciting us to follow her example of grace. This is a beautiful poem to be read over several times so as to be able to fully experience the greatness of Ms Angelou's writing.

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