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(Eric A. BLAIR)

To most 1984 was written by George Orwell, to me though it was E.A.Blair, the real name of the person behind this monumental prophetic piece of prose.
Wrtten as an imagined vision of the future, it depicts a world which is both dark and sinister at best, reducing men and humanity in general to a baseness never before imagined.
However contrary to popular belief, i believe that this is not the work of pure imagination and cience fiction as is thought by most, but a covert attempt to inform the masses of what lies ahead for them in the not to distant future, by the powers that be, by the movers and the shakers of this world to which information he may have been privy at some stage.
The story follows Winston Smith and his eventual acceptance of a lie as truth and that 1+1 = 3.
Who among us could hoonestly say that after reading a novel like 1984 that we now in the 21st century are not living under the reign of Big Brother, that if we too do not LOVE him in totality and embrace GOLDSTEIN, the enemy....... well look around, Guantanamo Bay WELCOMES all.
This text was once banned for a reason, which i am not privy to disclose, but I believe that if you only ever read one book in your life time it better be the HOLY BIBLE, if you decide to read a second, let it be 1984, and WAKE UP, Look around, BIG BROTHER is already here, and without knowing it we already love him.

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- 1984

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- Nineteen Eighty-four

- 1984

- 1984

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