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(Andrew D'Amato)

Sometimes in life with all that you have been through and with the cards that you have been delt, you feel like damaged goods.No matter what has been done or how you have done it, you can never change how you have been placed.People look at you as this unusable material.With all the thoughts and visions that flow through your head it makes you this unknown person.It places you on the outter realm of this inner world.It makes you feel like this product that no one would ever buy.As so the world looks at you with this horried glare that pierces through you like a thousand knifes.As they stare you feel all the pain of your past life relived.When you dwell on this so called past it puts you in this morbid state.With this past that you have been given unfortunitly it is the most comfortable feeling you can ever have.When it comes to this point you feel that there is no way out, as if you are trapt.Your in a four walled room with no doors and no windows.It is a place that you can never get out of, the place that you are enternaly kept.The harder that you try to escape it the more that it consumes you.It is as if this was the designed plan for you, that it was meant to be all along.Every time that you seem to be getting back up in life it all comes crashing down on you like a ton of bricks.There is no time like this present, the furture is enevitable, but there is no one or nothing to say that it will get better.You try and try to survive as you lead your way through this disaster of a life.As for this is yours, your own personal hell, your heaven till death comes.

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