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(The Bible)

Revelations is the last and most controversial book of the Bible. Filled with prophecies and visions, it mainly deals with the return of the Antichrist and the end of times. While there are many views and interpretations of Revelations, the most common and well-known one is that Revelations tells of events to come foretelling God?s judgment of the world. This interpretation has been recently introduced to the general public via the popular Left Behind novels by Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye.

While the author introduces himself as John of Patmos, there is a debate as to whether or not he is John the Apostle. Many believe it is one and the same due to the way both books refer to Jesus as a lamb or shepherd. However, there are opponents who believe they are two separate identities. Their argument is based on the difference in writing style. The Gospel of John was written in flawless Greek, whereas Revelations has grammatical errors leading one to think the author was not as fluent in Greek as the Gospel author.

Revelations is considered the apostolic book of the Bible, which is a type of literature which uses vivid imagery and symbolic language to foretell events seen through visions. The author vividly describes the visions foretelling the Second Coming of Christ and the battles that occur as Christians seek to defeat the Antichrist and convert people to God. Throughout the book, the number seven is seen repeatedly. John originally wrote this book for the seven churches of Asia and describes seven seals, seven angels, seven trumpets, seven judgments, etc.

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