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The dictionary meaning of the word colour denotes an effect produced by mixture of light, the true character of a person. In real life this word is used more in the former context than the later. Colour has an indefinite impact on the minds of the people all over the world. Such an impact is often psychological.

The philosophy behind colour
Human beings attach more importance to colour as it symbolises beauty and pride. In a way colour reflects the negative quality / vices that are inbound in a person. We tend to make important judgements on the basis of colour. This would not be true at all times since colour is an external phenomenon. It hold true on some valid grounds but not always.

What should not be done with it?

The colour of the skin becomes the basis for racial discrimination. This makes us think it colour should exist in the world. However it is not possible to have everything in nor is it feasible to try. Such an option therefore we ought to use this judiciously. Infact corporate houses attach lots of importance to color. They have a specification for using colours in their materials like letter pad, envelope and project reports. The proper selection of colours makes things pleasant and attractive. Similarly the various colour paints and other colour elements applied to improve the look of a particular object or objects are equally important. Therefore there is nothing wrong in using or exaggerating colours to add beauty. However if it done with an intention of deceiving the reality and cheating people then it has to be discouraged. Colour has got medical implications and it is highly encouraged to make use of them in a positive manner.

Some light colours are meant to make people happy. They even forget their anger and pray for peace on the contrary other colours can kindle people to think and do something not advisable. Today all most all the colours have been used to represent the symbols of political parties. This infact stops people from being associated with a particular colour / colours. This again reflects an undesirable character of our people. Infact nobody has the right to won/restrict the use of a colour. politisation of colours is an irrelevant act.

Importance of Colour
Colour is an important constituent of creativity. The different colours are associated with different attributes there is a proven relationship between the colours and attributes. This association can be used for creative subjects in a practical manner. Some of them include designing advertisement banners, websites and so on. These should be also associated with the message intended to be covered. Some of the colours that are significant in everyday life require more analysis.

Colour is no doubt important to us as human beings. However unnecessary importance should not be attached to it. It has to be used properly.

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- Lisa Mona

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